How ranked choice voting works
Understanding RCV
What is RCV?
Ranked choice voting (RCV) is a voting method where you vote for candidates in order of your preference. This allows you to 'rank' your vote - first choice, second choice, and third choice.
This method can allow your vote to count toward another candidate if your favorite candidate loses. If your first choice candidate is eliminated, your vote is moved to your second choice.
How to mark your RCV ballot
Step 1: Choose your top candidate. This is your first choice candidate and will be the vote that is considered first.
Step 2: If you have a second choice (not required), you may select another candidate. This must be different from your first choice candidate.
Step 3: If you have a third choice (not required), you may choose another selection. This must be different from your first and second choices.
Sample RCV ballot using Minneapolis Parks as candidates:

How your vote is counted
All first choice votes are counted. If no candidate has the required number of votes to win, candidates that have the fewest votes are eliminated. This process continues until a candidate has enough votes to win.
Election officials only use your second or third choice if your first choice has already been eliminated.
Practice using ranked choice voting
Common questions about RCV
Contact us
Elections & Voter Services
Elections & Voter Services980 Hennepin Ave. E.
Minneapolis, MN 55414
Monday - Friday
8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.