Campaign finance reports

We accept campaign finance reports and make them available online for the public.

Campaign finance portal

All reports are submitted and stored on our MapLight campaign finance portal. 

Submit or view campaign finance reports

Visit the campaign finance portal

Are you a candidate? To begin reporting, create an account

For more information on using the campaign finance portal, see our MapLight user guides.

Find reports submitted before August 2023

Older reports are stored in one of two locations:

Looking for reports from other offices or ballot questions? View reports from:

2025 Legislative Changes

Law changes may effect reporting requirements in 2025. 

Legislative changes taking effect in 2025 may change the reporting requirements for some campaigns during the 2025 Election Cycle. We will update this page with additional guidance as it becomes available.

Legal disclaimer

Election law is the final authority in all matters.

This page has general information about campaign finance reports. It is not legal advice or a comprehensive list of campaign finance laws. We recommend candidates seek legal counsel to ensure compliance.

For questions using this site, including help viewing or submitting finance reports, contact us at 612-331-8683 or

Required reports

Potential candidates who have raised or spent a certain amount have to submit reports.

Submit reports if you raise or spend more than $750

Minnesota Statutes Chapter 211A governs campaign finance reporting requirements for local candidates.

If you are a potential candidate and you raise or spend more than $750 in a calendar year, you must submit your Initial Report. You must continue reporting until you submit your Final Report for that campaign. You do not need to report until you raise or spend more than $750.

Report type Due Period covered
Initial Report Within 14 days of raising or spending more than $750 in a calendar year. Everything to that point.

Annually on January 31 starting the year after your Initial Report. Required even if your campaign is over or had no activity since the last report.

End of the last report through December 31.
Final Report

Optional. Used to close your campaign and end your reporting requirements. Can be submitted once your campaign debts are settled and assets are $100 or less. 

End of the last report through the day the report is submitted.

Additional reports due if you file for office

Report type Due Period covered
Pre-Primary 10 days before the primary election (if no primary, due based on when it would have been held). End of the last report through 5 days before the report is due.
Pre-General  10 days before the general election. End of the last report through 5 days before the report is due.
Certification of Filing 7 days after the general election. Required for all candidates, whether or not you have raised or spent $750. *Certifies you submitted all reports.
Post-General  30 days after the general election. End of the last report through 5 days before the report is due.

January 31 of the following year. You must complete this annually even after your campaign is over until you submit a Final Report.

End of the last report through December 31.

Report contents

Each report asks for the same information but is submitted at different times of the campaign cycle.

Report contents

By law, you must report your contributions (in-kind and cash), expenses, and cash-on-hand. You must itemize donations over $100 and include the name, address, and employer of the person who donated.

Go to Submit a campaign finance report for more details on report contents.

*NEW* 2025 Campaign Finance Law Changes

Starting on January 1, 2025, if a campaign makes aggregate payments of $100 or more to a vendor during a report filing period, they must include the name and address of the vendor, as well as the amount, date, and purpose of the payments. 

If a donor makes aggregate contributions of $100 or more during a report filing period you must itemize their donations and include the name, address, and employer of the donor. 

These changes do not apply to the 2024 Annual Campaign Finance Report. 

Donor requests to redact address due to safety concerns

A donor who has contributed more than $100 can send us a signed written statement that withholding their address from the financial report is required for their safety or the safety of their family.

Contribution and spending limits

This information is taken from the state Campaign Financial Report template. You are responsible for complying with election law, including any restrictions or limitations not listed below.


A "contribution" is anything of monetary value that is given or loaned to a candidate for a political purpose. “Contribution” does not include a service provided without compensation by an individual.

Contribution limits

  • You cannot take aggregate contributions made or delivered by an individual or committee above $600 in an election year or above $250 in a non-election year. In Minneapolis, this applies to all ward or district based offices.
  • If you are seeking election from a district with a population above 100,000, you cannot take aggregate contributions above $1,000 in an election year or above $250 in a non-election year. In Minneapolis, this applies to the Mayor and all “at-large” offices.

Prohibited transfers to other campaigns

You cannot take contributions from the principal campaign committees of any candidate for legislative, judicial, or state constitutional office. In addition, you cannot make contributions to the principal campaign committee of any candidate for legislative, judicial, or state constitutional office unless it’s made from your personal funds.

Candidate & campaign questions


Elections & Voter Services
980 E. Hennepin Ave.
Minneapolis, MN 55414

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Monday - Friday
8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.