Campaign sign information

Signs in Minneapolis need to follow local and state laws.

Local and state laws

As an office, we do not oversee campaign sign laws and rules. The Zoning and Enforcement Division of Community Planning & Economic Development is responsible for signs in Minneapolis. Please contact Minneapolis 311 or the Minnesota Office of Administrative Hearings to report an issue.

For city election years, Minneapolis ordinance states:

  • Noncommercial signs may be posted in any size and quantity from August 1 until 10 days after Election Day. Outside of this time, most residential properties are allowed a 2 square foot noncommercial sign.

  • Signs cannot be posted on public right-of-ways. This includes boulevard trees and utility poles. 

See Minneapolis Ordinance 560.230(g)

Contact Minneapolis 311 to report an issue that violates the City Ordinance. 

In state and federal election years, state law:

  • Overrules local law (the Minneapolis ordinance) from 46 days before the primary until 10 days after the general election.
  • Allows campaign signs in any size and number.

See Minnesota Statute 211B.045

Contact the Minnesota Office of Administrative Hearing to report an issue that violates Minnesota Statutes.

Campaign sign laws by issue

The City enforces these laws. The City also takes action about any sign that:

  • Endangers life safety
  • Obstructs visibility in a road
  • Obstructs traffic
Issue Relevant law Who to contact
Content of a sign Minnesota Statute 211B Minnesota Office of Administrative Hearings
Size, placement or height of placement of signs Minneapolis Ordinance 560.230(g) Contact 311 
Number of signs in a state general election year (from 46 days before the state primary until 10 days after the general election) Minnesota Statute 211B.045 Contact 311
Signs on city streets, right of ways, city boulevards, boulevard trees or utility poles Minneapolis Ordinance 560.230(g) Contact 311
Signs on state or federal right of ways Minnesota Statute 173.15 and
Minnesota Statute 160.27
Minnesota Department of Transportation
(call 651-234-7500 – ask for “Permits”)
Signs on corporate property Minnesota Statute 211B.15 Minnesota Office of Administrative Hearings
On Election Day:
  • Signs on public property within 100 feet of a building that is a polling place
  • On the public property of a building that is a polling place (e.g., park, school, library or public housing)

Note: This law applies only to public property, not to private property.

Minnesota Statute 211B.11 Contact 311
Signs that include a candidate's name that are still displayed 10 days after an election Minneapolis Ordinance 560.230(g) and 
Minnesota Statute 211B.045
Contact 311

Contact us

Candidate & campaign questions


Elections & Voter Services
980 E. Hennepin Ave.
Minneapolis, MN 55414

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Monday - Friday
8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.