2013 Parks & Recreation Commissioner At Large results

Official Winners: John Erwin, Annie Young, Meg Forney. See the results and ranked-choice vote tabulation of the 2013 Parks & Recreation Commissioner At Large race.

November 5, 2013

Park and Recreation Commissioner At Large
CandidateFinal round voteFinal round percentage
John Erwin 14,866.2472 25.00%
Annie Young 13,905.6980 23.39%
Meg Forney 10,973.3376 18.45%

This was a ranked-choice voting (RCV) race. Voters were asked to rank up to 3 different candidates. After nine rounds of tabulation, the top three candidates were elected; Erwin, Young and Forney.

See the ranked-choice voting tabulation below for more details.

Ballots cast summary
Total votes cast 59,463 Total votes counted in the first round. Does not include undervotes, overvotes, defective, or spoiled ballots.
Threshold 14,866 One-third of total votes cast for office + 1, disregarding fractions.
Undervotes 20,638 Voter did not rank any candidates for the office.

A cast vote record (CVR) is a document automatically created by the voting system. It contains information from each ballot.