2024 General Election Interactive Data
Explore our interactive maps of precinct-level voter turnout data in the November 5, 2024, General Election.
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How to use the Voting Statistics dashboard
For best results
- View the dashboard in full screen, especially if accessing on a mobile device
- Use Chrome or Firefox as your browser
City map of wards and precincts
- Choose a map format with the drop down menu (voting precincts or wards)
- Choose a voting measure with the drop down menu (registered voter turnout, absentee/early voting, election day registration)
- Registered voter turnout: darker blue means that a higher percent of registered voters in the ward/precinct cast a ballot
- Absentee/Early voting: darker blue means that a higher percent of the total votes in the ward/precinct were cast early through the absentee voting process
- Election day registration: darker blue means that a higher percent of the voters in the ward/precinct registered to vote on Election Day using the same-day registration process
- Hover over each ward/precinct to see additional information and the breakdown of how votes were cast (Early/Absentee and Election Day)
- Select one or more wards from the drop down menu to focus on certain areas of city
- Use the tools in the top left of the map to zoom in on a specific area of the map
Colors on the map
- Blue indicates the magnitude of the voting statistic displayed, where darker means a higher percent
- Green indicates ballots cast early through the absentee voting process
- Purple indicates ballots cast on Election Day
How to use the Early Voting dashboard
For best results
- View the dashboard in full screen, especially if accessing on a mobile device
- Use Chrome or Firefox as your browser
City map of wards and precincts
- Choose a map format with the drop down menu (voting precincts or wards)
- Choose a voting measure with the drop down menu (early voting rate, mail early votes, in-person early votes)
- Early voting rate: darker green means that a higher percent of voters in the ward/precinct have voted early
- Mail early votes: darker blue means that more mail early votes have been cast from the ward/precinct
- In-person early votes: darker red means that more in-person early votes have been cast from the ward/precinct
- Hover over each ward/precinct to see additional information and the breakdown of how early votes have been cast (by mail, in-person, other)
- Select one or more wards from the drop down menu to focus on certain areas of city
- Use the tools in the top left to zoom in on a specific area of the map
Early votes by day
- The line at the bottom of the dashboard shows how many early votes were received each day
- Hover over the line for the number of early votes received that day and the breakdown of how those early votes have been cast (by mail, in-person, other)
Colors on the map
- Green indicates early voting rate and total early votes cast
- Blue indicates early votes cast by mail
- Red indicates early votes cast in-person
- Yellow indicates other early votes cast, including ballots processed by Hennepin County, agent deliveries, and health care facility voting
Dashboard updates
- This dashboard is updated regularly throughout the early voting period
- See the timestamp from when the latest update was made in the lower right