Voter turnout

See statistics and maps showing how Minneapolis voters turned out to vote.

2024 State Primary voter turnout data

Explore voter turnout by ward and precinct and use our interactive dashboards.

2024 State Primary interactive data

voter putting ballot into the tabulator

Minneapolis voter turnout 1968 to Present

Minneapolis voter turnout varies depending on the type of election. This graph show turnout in presidential, midterm and municipal election years.

Turnout is highest in presidential election years, but even in midterm and municipal election years our turnout is higher than the national average.

Download voter turnout data from 1968 to present

This graph shows Minneapolis voter turnout in presidential, midterm and municipal elections.

Voter turnout data

Explore data from previous elections—view interactive graphs, maps or download the data.

Year Date Data
2024 March 5 2024 Presidential Nomination Primary turnout data
2024 Presidential Nomination Primary interactive data
2023 Nov. 7 2023 Municipal Election turnout data
2023 Municipal Election interactive data

Nov. 8

2022 General Election data
2022 General Election interactive data
Aug. 9 2022 State Primary Election data
2022 State Primary Election interactive data
2021 Nov. 2 2021 Municipal Election data
2021 Municipal Election interactive data
2020 Nov. 3 2020 General Election data
2020 General Election interactive data
Aug. 11 2020 State Primary Election data
2020 State Primary Election interactive data
March 3 2020 Presidential Nomination Primary data
2020 Presidential Nomination Primary interactive data
Feb. 4 2020 District 60A Special General Election data
Jan. 21 2020 District 60A Special Primary Election data
2018 Nov. 6 2018 General Election data
2018 General Election interactive data
Aug. 14 2018 Primary Election data
2018 Primary Election interactive data
2017 Nov. 7 2017 Municipal Election data
2016 Nov. 8 2016 General Election data
2016 General Election interactive data
Aug. 9 2016 Primary Election data
2014 Nov. 4 2014 General Election data
Aug. 12 2014 Primary Election data
2013 Nov. 5 2013 Municipal Election data
2012 Nov. 6 2012 General Election data
Aug. 14 2012 Primary Election data
2010 Nov. 2 2010 General Election data
Aug. 10 2010 Primary Election data
2009 Nov. 3 2009 Municipal Election data
2008 Nov. 4 2008 General Election data
Sept. 9 2008 Primary Election data
2006 Nov. 7 2006 General Election data
Sept. 6 2006 Primary Election data
2005 Nov. 8 2005 General Election data
Sept. 13 2005 Primary Election data
2004 Nov. 2 2004 General Election data
Sept. 14 2004 Primary Election data